Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Short sales & foreclosures -- the mess reaches beyond these buzzwords..

Short sales & foreclosures -- these are todays buzzwords but they are only a part of the Phoenix - Scottsdale Homes & Arizona real estate economy recovery problem...the river of issues runs much deeper...http://bit.ly/etZ8NU

Monday, November 29, 2010

Phoenix - Scottsdale Home Values Decline 50% since 2006 peak..

Phoenix  - Scottsdale homes have declined 50% since the peak of valley home pricing in 2006.  Some cities such as Scottsdale & Paradise Valley haven't seen as much of a decline as other parts of the valley such as Goodyear, Avondale, & Surprise.  The east valley cities have not seen as much of a decline as the cities in the west valley...http://bit.ly/eU8TQ2

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chase Short Sale Process Getting Better...

The Chase short sale process is getting better and we are seeing quicker approval times, easier processing, and clients are providing less paperwork than usual.  Chase was never the worst lender to do a short sale with but with their new processing they are quickly rising to become one of the best, at least so far...Chase Short Sales -- http://bit.ly/dFctWL

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Short sale tradition -- a working holiday?

Short sale tradition -- a working holiday?

It seems that short sales don't sleep or take holidays off and we don't either!  We took a Scottsdale short sale listing smack in the middle of a Thanksgiving dinner today!  Cranberry sauce?  Check.  Listing agreement?  Check.  Stuffing?  Check.  Short Sale Seller's Advisory?  Check...http://bit.ly/dQoKSY

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Short Sale Realtor Gives thanks this season..

Short sale agent gives thanks this holiday season -- 

What does a short sale realtor have to be thankful for?  As it turns out, plenty!  Everything from nice bank reps & short hold times to government programs and honest realtors....read more as the Short Sale Realtors at AzHomeHelp.com give thanks this season..http://bit.ly/dVrJAM

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Short Sale Approvals Help Homeowners this Holiday Season..

Short sale approvals are coming in for the holidays!  Some very patient clients are seeing early holiday presents arrive from their mortgage lenders in the way of  short sale approvals!  Lenders seem to be pushing for these short sale approvals before the end of 2010.  More details about these short sale approvals...http://bit.ly/dHr0GC

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Short sale snafus -- what were they thinking?

Short sale snafus -- what were they thinking?

In our segment "Short Sale Snafus, What Were They Thinking???!!" we like to tell stories of how lenders can screw up a perfectly good deal and lose a ton of cash in a matter of moments....today's Short Sale Snafu tells the story of a lender losing big on a lakefront property...Read today's Short Sale Snafu

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mortgage Lenders suffer setbacks...

Mortgage lenders constantly suffering setbacks nationwide....these mortgage loan issues aren't just in Arizona, California, Nevada, & Florida...http://bit.ly/dCWQwu

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Scottsdale Home Stats 3rd Quarter 2010

Scottsdale homes statistics are in for the 3rd quarter, 2010!!  We continue to see a huge number of bank owned & short sale properties dominate the marketplace. The numbers are staggering -- Of the 1400+ Scottsdale homes that closed this quarter the number of bank related properties was over 53%!!!  These include Scottsdale REO home listings & Scottsdale short sale listings.  Here is more detailed information on our Scottsdale Homes Stats...http://bit.ly/9gdMkY 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fannie Mae - Freddie Mac $685 billion dollar taxpayer bailout..

Fannie Mae - Freddie Mac bailout could cost us taxpayers $685 billion!!  These government owned entities keep complaining about losses each quarter but they are foreclosing on homes and losing money when the people they are foreclosing on are trying to short sale their homes!!  Why are we responsible when we are trying to fix the problem.... http://bit.ly/9CliPG

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lenders don't want the responsibility...

Lender's don't want the responsibility of loans that go bad so now they want out of legislation passed this summer....http://bit.ly/9YxgF7

Lenders don't want responsibility or risk...

The Dodd-Frank financial initiative passed this summer requires lenders to own 5% of loans that they sell off to investors.  The hope is that by keeping the lenders financially tied to these loans we can hopefully avoid the mortgage meltdown mess again.

Of course the lenders are now looking for a way out of this regulation.  They want exemptions and lots of them...they want to be able to fund loans, sell them off, and not have to worry afterwards.

Well, that's exactly why we're in the mess we're in and exactly why this initiative was passed!!!!  To keep these greedy banks from lending to weak borrowers when they know they can "pass-the-buck" to their investor and then wipe their hands clean of whatever happens.

It will be interesting to see what the regulators do -- hopefully it will be the right thing!!


Friday, November 12, 2010

GGP Exits Bankruptcy

Mall company General Growth Properties has been split into two companies with their own stocks.

Source: online.wsj.com

Can I buy a home after a short sale?

Can I Buy a Home after I do a short sale?

The short answer is "YES!!"   We have a client that we short sold her home back in the fall of 2009.  Her credit score dropped about 80 points but since then she has paid all of her credit cards, kept at least 3 tradelines on her credit report, and has just qualified (less than a year later!) for new $300,000+ home!!

Now every individual is different and many factors are involved but it can be done!!! Most people who do a short sale will qualify for a Fannie Mae backed loan just 24 months after their short sale has been completed!!

We have no idea what the future will bring as well -- there is a good chance that lenders will be more lenient on those that short sale as oppose to foreclose at it tends to show a bit more financial responsibility.  Plus the credit scoring industry is constantly changing and hopefully it will be better for home buyers as more and more of America ends up with a short sale on their credit.

Short sale your home today with the local Phoenix - Scottsdale short sale experts at www.AzHomeHelp.com!!!


Real-Estate Industry Sees Friendlier Capital Climate

The sector stands to benefit from the shifting political power in Washington, as Republicans attempt to roll back some parts of financial regulation and stanch any efforts to raise taxes.

Source: online.wsj.com

Street Aims to Reboot CMBS

Strategies used by some investors to gain control of failed companies has exposed flaws in the structures of commercial mortgage-backed securities.

Source: online.wsj.com

Brookfield Refinances Tower With Chinese Loan

Bank of China is lending $800 million to Brookfield Office Properties in the latest sign that Chinese investors are helping to fuel a commercial real-estate recovery in the U.S.

Source: online.wsj.com

REITs Going Global to Find Deals

Frustrated with the shortage of U.S. properties for sale, some of America's biggest publicly traded landlords want to go global.

Source: online.wsj.com

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

What is a short sale and is it an option for you? Well, millions of people have this same question on their mind.... http://bit.ly/dt9KDu

What Can a Short Sale Do for You?

What is a short sale and is it an option for you? Well, millions of people have this same question on their mind. A short sale is the sale of property where the outstanding loan balance is more than the property is worth and the bank agrees to accept less than what is owed in order to close the deal and avoid foreclosing on the home.

Statistical reports of short sale experts say that the numbers of homeowners with negative and low equity are still on the rise which this means we can expect more short sales, foreclosures and tough economic times into 2011.

Short sales would be good option if you are in the following situations:

1. Cannot afford mortgage payments

2. No chance to refinance.

3. Negative equity value of your home.

4. Upside-down on mortgage - when the amount owed is higher than the current value.

Generally short sales are difficult to process and close when done through most real estate agents. You can simplify the process by enlisting the help of a short sales expert. An Arizona short sales expert agent specializes in helping homeowners avoid foreclosure by doing a short sale. They will take care of all of the negotiations as well as advise you on repairs, liens, credit implications and other important information pertaining to the Arizona short sale. Working with an efficient real estate agent could save you time and lightens your burden as well.

AzHomeHelp.com has Arizonas short sale experts available to help you unburden yourself from your home and mortgage crisis. AZ Short sales are our expertise and we have made it a point over the past few years to learn everything we can about the process, create relationships with the banks, and streamline our system to better benefit our clients.

Contact AzHomeHelp.com because an Arizona short sale may be the answer for to get out of your mortgage, avoid foreclosure, and still be able to buy a new Arizona home in just 24 short months.