Monday, November 8, 2010

What Can a Short Sale Do for You?

What is a short sale and is it an option for you? Well, millions of people have this same question on their mind. A short sale is the sale of property where the outstanding loan balance is more than the property is worth and the bank agrees to accept less than what is owed in order to close the deal and avoid foreclosing on the home.

Statistical reports of short sale experts say that the numbers of homeowners with negative and low equity are still on the rise which this means we can expect more short sales, foreclosures and tough economic times into 2011.

Short sales would be good option if you are in the following situations:

1. Cannot afford mortgage payments

2. No chance to refinance.

3. Negative equity value of your home.

4. Upside-down on mortgage - when the amount owed is higher than the current value.

Generally short sales are difficult to process and close when done through most real estate agents. You can simplify the process by enlisting the help of a short sales expert. An Arizona short sales expert agent specializes in helping homeowners avoid foreclosure by doing a short sale. They will take care of all of the negotiations as well as advise you on repairs, liens, credit implications and other important information pertaining to the Arizona short sale. Working with an efficient real estate agent could save you time and lightens your burden as well. has Arizonas short sale experts available to help you unburden yourself from your home and mortgage crisis. AZ Short sales are our expertise and we have made it a point over the past few years to learn everything we can about the process, create relationships with the banks, and streamline our system to better benefit our clients.

Contact because an Arizona short sale may be the answer for to get out of your mortgage, avoid foreclosure, and still be able to buy a new Arizona home in just 24 short months.

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