Thursday, September 20, 2012

MBS RECAP: Generally A Repeat Performance Of Yesterday

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary With the arrival of slightly more important pieces of data and events, volume picked up slightly again today, though the overall calm theme of the week persisted. Both MBS and Treasuries began the day in better territory thanks to Asian and European trading, but only MBS were able to maintain the overnight gains throughout the session. An ugly 10yr TIPS auction took its toll on the Treasury complex with 1pm clearly standing out as the turning point of the day for 10yr yields. 10's are heading toward 5pm in roughly the same shape as yesterday. MBS MADE the "same shape" as yesterday in terms of charts, but simply at another quarter of a point higher in price. Most lenders put out their best rate sheets ever. MBS Pricing Snapshot Pricing shown below is delayed...(read more)

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