Monday, June 10, 2013

The Day Ahead: Yesterday Changes Nothing, Bring on NFP

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

There's typically very little to say that hasn't already been said come NFP morning. Although that's certainly true today, yesterday's weird price action suggests we hold the notion up to the fire--essentially asking: is there STILL very little that hasn't already been said? No. The title probably gave that one away, but here's why: Literally and figuratively, bond markets moved into new range after 5/22, and handily confirmed the move on 5/29. Figuratively, the new range was (and is) the new way in which markets began thinking about " what might happen to interest rates" if the Fed adjusts the pace of asset purchases sooner than later. The figurative move was given literal credibility by 10yr yields moving up over 2.07 on May 28th (that really really awful sell-off on the Tuesday back from...(read more)

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Genworth Job Cuts; Flood Insurance Across the Nation; Recent Disparate Impact Cases; CFPB Employees Unionize

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Yes, mortgage rates are higher than where they were a month ago. We aren't in an " ARM market " quite yet although intermediate ARMs are seeing some renewed interest and thus some interest in brushing up on ARM indices. The latest news comes from Europe, where officials are trying to restore some trust in the validity of LIBOR (read MORE ) . But speaking of intermediate ARMs, yesterday's prepayment report for May showed that fixed-rate loan early pay-offs picked up slightly but that hybrid ARMs saw "meaningful" prepayments. But LOs and investors know that with the recent sharp move higher in mortgage rates speeds on fixed rate product will slow significantly in coming months. Hybrid ARM prepayments continued to rise from February lows across ARM products, with the largest increases coming on...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Hit New 15 Month Highs After Jobs Report

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates rose today. They rose no more or less than any other "fairly bad" day in the history of mortgage rates, but at this particular point in history, they were already at 14-month highs and now they're at 15-month highs . This was a risk heading into today's jobs report and the fact that markets were well-prepared for it is evident in the pace of the move. In other words, it wasn't the same sort of panicked, fast-paced move we've seen on several occasions recently. It just happened to occur when our backs were already against the wall (or ceiling, as the case may be). Today's weakness brings the best-execution rate more squarely into 4.125% territory, whereas it had been in transit between there and 4.0% yesterday and before. That said, the level of market volatility we've seen in...(read more)

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Home Equity Grew by $815 bln in Q1 - Housing Scorecard

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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ( HUD ) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury today released the May edition of the Obama Administration's Housing Scorecard . The scorecard summarizes the current status of the nation's housing market using data collected from a number of sources such as RealtyTrac, S&P/Case Shiller, CoreLogic, National Association of Realtors and the U.S. Census regarding home prices, foreclosures, residential construction, and home sales. Most of this data has been previously reported by MortgageNewsDaily. "As the May housing scorecard indicates, the Obama Administration's policies and actions over the last four years to speed housing recovery are continuing to show important signs of progress," said HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs...(read more)

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Do's and Don't's For a Smooth Mortgage Process: Part 2

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We could all use a little comedy considering the recent rise in rates . But delays in the loan process are no laughing matter, costing you more and more as rates rise (even if you lock your rate, extensions are more expensive in this environment). With that in mind, here's the second installment of " do's and don't's " for prospective borrowers embarking on, or already engaged in the home mortgage process. In case it needs to be said, the "don't's" are strictly for comedy (though most are based on real world examples of things that will kill or greatly delay the mortgage process). The "do's," one the other hand, are potentially valuable nuggets of information that may greatly benefit your mortgage experience. In fact, most of them can end up making a difference in the success or failure of...(read more)

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Credit Access For Less Secure Borrowers Central to Housing Finance Reform

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The Center for American Progress (CAP) and the National Council of La Raza have released a paper, Making the Mortgage Market Work for American's Families, which evaluates some of the problems facing the current mortgage market and presents challenges for its reform. The paper also presents a couple of concrete suggestions for reform including creations of a Market Access Fund to provide credit enhancement and supportive services to underserved but creditworthy populations and a framework for evaluating participants in an eventual new secondary market. We are summarizing the paper's assertions in two parts. This initial article deals with an overview of current market challenges and the need for increased access and affordability and the secondary market's role in supporting this access and...(read more)

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Homeowners Continue Shorten Loan Terms, Saving Billions

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Homeowners who refinanced in the first quarter of 2013 maintained the approximate cash balance of the loan they were refinancing but in more than one quarter of the cases, they shortened the term of their new loan. Freddie Mac's quarterly refinance analysis showed that borrowers in the first quarter, taking advantage of record low interest rates, will save an aggregate of approximately $7 billion in interest over the next 12 months. These borrowers, by an overwhelming margin, opted to insure they will keep those rates as 95 percent chose fixed rate loans. The cash-out refinancing boom which came to a screeching halt with falling house prices and stricter lending standards shows no sign of resurgence. The net dollars of home equity converted to cash through refinancing remained at a low consumer...(read more)

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lower Credit Borrowers and Older Loans Buoy Prepayment Speeds

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Among the areas of focus in the most recent edition of Lender Processing Service's (LPS) Mortgage Monitor are the metrics surrounding the market for refinancing. In the report, which covers data for April which precedes the recent interest rate increases, LPS first looked at prepayment speeds which it calls a good historic indicator of refinance activity. It found that these speeds, while down from recent highs, remained elevated, particularly among older loan vintages and lower credit borrowers. This is consistent with the view that lenders--having tightened guidline overlays shutting less qualified borrowers out of the market when rates bottomed--would eventually "move on" to loan files that weren't considered low-hanging fruit until rates began rising in 2013. The relatively hotter purchase...(read more)

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MBS RECAP: Modest Gains Belie Profoundness of Pain for Mortgages

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary The blood-letting in MBS continued today in terms of price gains relative to broader rates markets. For instance, 10yr Yields were roughly 6 bps lower than yesterday's close and 5bps better than yesterday's open--a healthy improvement on any day. MBS, on the other hand, merely trickled out in line with yesterday's opening levels in Fannie 3.0s and fared even worse in Fannie 3.5s. It's normal for lower coupons to gain more ground when longer duration debt gains more ground overall (like 10 and 30yr Treasuries falling more in yield vs 2-5's --aka 'yield curve flattening'), but it's not common for MBS to languish so badly behind Treasuries unless something is seriously wrong. Fortunately for the sake of logic, something is seriously wrong ( discussed in...(read more)

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Homebuilders Court Congress on Housing Issues

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More than 750 builders are in Washington today, attending the National Association of Home Builders ( NAHB ) annual Legislative Conference. Over 300 separate meetings were to be held between NAHB members and members of the House and Senate to discuss policies that will keep the recovery on track and increase housing opportunities. "We are sending a loud and clear message to members of Congress that a strong housing market is critical to create jobs and boost economic growth, " said NAHB Chairman Rick Judson. . Builders were expected to speak with legislators about a number of key housing issues: Tax reform . NAHB is urging Congress to keep the mortgage interest deduction as well as the Low Income Housing Tax Credit to ensure that lower-income families have access to safe, decent and affordable...(read more)

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MBS RECAP: Mortgages Continue To Underperform; ADP Opportunity

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Despite being near their best historical levels compared to Treasuries in the long run, MBS are at their weakest relative levels of performance since before the QE3 announcement. We discussed this in a bit more detail this morning , and today's session was essentially more of the same. In fact, it's even a bit worse than that considering Treasuries really didn't make any overly menacing gestures higher in yield (though they were weaker). It's as if each passing moment spent with Treasuries trading above 2.11-ish sears the flesh right off MBS competitiveness. As the morning post discusses, the backdrop (the one where the Fed chairman said he'd like to get back to a predominantly Treasury portfolio, where MBS have been widening ever since QE3 lost it's...(read more)

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

CFPB Gives Mortgage Lenders Heads-up on Exam Procedures

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is giving financial and mortgage companies a heads-up about what examiners will be looking for under new mortgage regulations scheduled to take affect in January 2014. It issued updates to its examination procedures today including those on appraisals, escrow accounts, compensation, and qualifications for loan originators. "The CFPB recognizes that the easier we make it for financial institutions and mortgage companies to follow the new regulations, the better off consumers will be," said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. "By releasing details of what our examiners will be looking for well in advance of the effective date of most of the rules, we are giving industry more time to adjust." The interim examination procedures released today update the applicable...(read more)

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MBS RECAP: OK Day for Treasuries; MBS, Not so Much

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Though MBS began the day in weaker territory than Treasuries, they were able to (eventually) keep pace with much of the rally that followed this morning's big miss in the ISM Manufacturing data. Relative to morning levels, bond markets were glowing on both sides heading into the noon hour, even if the rally was over-boosted by short covering (traders who had been betting on higher rates closing their positions by buying bonds after the weak economic data). But vs Friday's levels, MBS never saw the same day-over-day improvements as Treasuries and the disparity went from bad to worse heading into 1pm. Though there were technical and tradeflow considerations in play, comments from Fed's Lockhart--simply reiterating the possibility of near term tapering-...(read more)

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Monday, June 3, 2013

MBA Suggests More Level Playing Field for Smaller Lenders

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The third of five planned concept papers outlining recommended steps to ease the transition during secondary market reform was published today by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA). The paper, A Secondary Market that Works for Smaller Lenders, outlines steps that must be addressed for smaller lenders to be able to utilize the secondary market. PRICE CERTAINTY MBA says that one major concern has been the pricing advantage and other preferences given to some lenders which have contributed significantly to the consolidation of the lending market in recent years. Although the government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have claimed these disparities have narrowed, there is still a lack of transparency on pricing and underwriting concessions given to some lenders. MBA...(read more)

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

REO Could Become A Serious Problem For HUD/GSEs

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As the housing crisis unrolled the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Freddie Mae and Fannie Mae came into possession of more and more properties thorugh foreclosure. As of September 30, 2012, HUD held 37,445 foreclosed properties (REO) while the GSEs held 158,138 . In addition, the "shadow inventory"-residential loans at least 90 days delinquent-totaled 1,708,033 properties , roughly 8.7 times the size of the HUD and GSE REO inventories combined. Even a fraction of the shadow inventory falling into foreclosure could considerably swell HUD and GSE inventories of REO properties. Because of the volume of this current and potential REO the Offices of Inspector General (OIG) for both HUD and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Jump Back To Recent Highs

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates moved back up to the highest levels of the week , confirming a bumpy ride between now and next week's big jobs report. The day began in a docile enough fashion but was soon disrupted by stronger than expected economic data. Trading conditions deteriorated further in the afternoon prompting many lenders to recall rate sheets for a mid-session move higher. With those changed, the closing costs associated with the current 4.0% best-execution rate moved back to the highs seen on Tuesday afternoon. Yesterday's thoughts (after two days of improvements in rates) still apply. It continues to be the case that we could move sideways to lower, and of course rates just demonstrated their willingness to snap back to recent highs: The important message is that we're not out of the woods on...(read more)

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

CFPB Enhances Massive Consumer Complaint Database

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The massive public database of consumer complaint information which the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) brought on-line in March has now been enhanced. The Bureau announced today that it has expanded its Consumer Complaint Database to include state-by-state information. The CFPB also added complaints about money transfers and credit reporting to the database. The searchable database allows consumer to track complaints about products and services levied by other consumers. Information is available on more than 90,000 individual complaints which, in addition to the two categories added today, include entries about mortgages, student loans, bank accounts and services. Consumers can see what other customers complained about, when, and why as well as how the company responded to the...(read more)

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MBS RECAP: Fitting End To Worst Month in Modern MBS History

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary If we consider the worst 5-week batches of time for production MBS, and even if we allow late 2010 to combine the worst 5 weeks spanning November and December, May 2013 is still 12 ticks worse, give or take. That's insane! Is it just me or do the past 5 weeks not feel as abusively awful as late 2010? If May seemed any more tolerable, maybe it had to do with the fact that rates began the month within spitting distance of all-time lows and at their worst just ebbed into the 4% zone. Too, perhaps the fact that we got a starkly contrasting Jobs Report on May 3rd helped start the month off with a cautionary bias. Whatever the case, today was a fitting end. It had all the key ingredients... Seemingly serene morning leading to a massive mid-day sell-off and...(read more)

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Do's and Don't's For a Smooth Mortgage Process

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Every borrower wants their mortgage closing to be simple and stress free. While it may not always feel like it (between loan processors' requests for your 2011 Schedule E and page 6 of March's bank statement), lenders want the same thing. Here are some timely "do's and ( mostly hypothetical) don'ts" for borrowers to consider during the loan application process. While no single list can completely cover all loans, following these " do's and don'ts " during your mortgage application process will help you close your loan faster , sleep better at night, avoid premature gray hair, and help your loan officer give you the best service possible. Look for more helpful hints soon, and happy mortgage hunting! DO: Ask your loan officer questions and listen to his/her answers. DON'T: Solicit mortgage advice...(read more)

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Pending Home Sales Reach Highest Point Since April 2010 Tax Credit Deadline

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Pending home sales in April rose a slight 0.3 percent to 106.0 on the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI). In March the index was at 105.7. The index is now 10.3 percent above the April 2012 level of 96.1 continuing a 24 month pattern of year-over-year increases. The April Index is the highest since April 2010, immediately before the deadline to qualify for home buyer tax credits. In that period the Index hit 110.9. NAR's PHSI reflects contract signings not home sales. It is a forward looking index that general portends actual sales transactions 30 to 60 days later. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said a familiar pattern has developed. "The housing market continues to squeak out gains from already very positive conditions . Pending contracts so far...(read more)

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mortgage Rate Recovery Continues; Just a Game of Pin The Tail?

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates continued picking up the pieces today , after skyrocketing to their highest levels in over a year to begin the week. The past two days of improvement only serve to recover a small portion of what's been lost so far in the month of May, however. To put things in perspective, we have yet to see some lenders recover even half of the losses from Tuesday alone! Best-execution remains at 4.0% but 3.875% is starting to look more viable. While the trend of the past two days is welcome relief after Tuesday's rout, they're just that: relief. In other words, we're not in a situation where we can definitively conclude that all biases toward higher rates have been washed out of the market at this point, and the two days of positivity have had more to do with correcting the final landing zone...(read more)

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Obama Administration Extends MHA, HAMP Modification Programs Through 2015

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The Obama Administration has extended its Making Home Affordable (MHA) program through December 2015. The action, taken Thursday brings that program into line with new expiration dates announced earlier for the Home Affordable Refinance Program ( HARP ) and the Streamlined Modification Initiative for homeowners with mortgages owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the GSEs). MHA is run jointly by the Departments of Treasury and Housing and Urban Development. A number of foreclosure prevention programs operate under its aegis including the Home Affordable Modification Program ( HAMP ), 2MP second lien modification program, Principal Reduction Alternative Program (PRA) and Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) program. MHA programs were originally scheduled to sunset on...(read more)

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mortgage Rates Pause For Reflection After Tuesday's Frantic Move

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates recovered somewhat today , after experiencing their worst day in exactly 4 years yesterday (get caught up HERE ). Rather than triumphantly charging back into lower territory, the general tenor today has been one of consolidation and catching of breath. It's the sort of pause that stands an equal chance to merely be a pause or to end up being the first indication of a turning point. The landscape of lender price offerings unwittingly confirms this as rate sheets are all over the board compared to yesterday's. Some lenders are right in line. Some are significantly weaker on some of their products, but not on others. Other lenders are quite a bit improved. All that having been said, the median lender is slightly better off than yesterday, bringing the average Conventional 30yr Fixed...(read more)

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Rate Move Impacts Lock Volumes; Another Private Jumbo Deal; Solid Ginnie Issuance; Investor Updates

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Traders report that there has been " little resistance to higher rates ." What does that mean? Mortgage banker origination has been heavy (hitting over $3 billion yesterday. So locks appear to be decent - but we all know that is illusory. Lock desks have seen it for many years: rates shoot up, borrowers and LOs are pushed into panic locking , shaking the low-hanging fruit off the trees, and then rates stabilize or even slide back down and locks dry up. Not only that, but in many cases the new locks are from loans that are either not ready to lock or are for loans that are even tougher to close, resulting in slightly lower pull through or renegotiations/extensions in the future. Speaking of locks, the MBA reported that its survey of 75% of retail originations showed that the total number of...(read more)

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MBS RECAP: Worst Day of Losses Since Black Wednesday

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary An adapted excerpt from tonight's ratewatch post : If we had been fighting a battle for low rates, morale was high heading into the end of April. We were storming the castle--rushing headlong through the front gates, feeling optimistic about our chances of victory, or at least willing to put up a good fight. Then "May 3rd" would be like a sudden realization that the occupants of the castle were invincible robots from the future . That's scary enough in itself, but now imagine the robots had pet robot dragons (also invincible) and that those dragons started spitting out some pretty gnarly fireballs in our general direction. Whatever era of warfare this fantastical metaphor might belong to, the implication is the same: RUN! Bond markets--especially MBS...(read more)

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