Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mortgage Rates Hit New 15 Month Highs After Jobs Report

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates rose today. They rose no more or less than any other "fairly bad" day in the history of mortgage rates, but at this particular point in history, they were already at 14-month highs and now they're at 15-month highs . This was a risk heading into today's jobs report and the fact that markets were well-prepared for it is evident in the pace of the move. In other words, it wasn't the same sort of panicked, fast-paced move we've seen on several occasions recently. It just happened to occur when our backs were already against the wall (or ceiling, as the case may be). Today's weakness brings the best-execution rate more squarely into 4.125% territory, whereas it had been in transit between there and 4.0% yesterday and before. That said, the level of market volatility we've seen in...(read more)

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