Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mortgage Rates: Stored Energy Released!

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

After being stuck in the same spot for over a month, home loan borrowing costs shot higher today at their most violent pace since early February. Best-Execution mortgage rates moved up in the process. This is the eventuality to which we've been referring with comments such as: " The risks associated with this range go back to the concept of "stored energy" in the bond market. Think of it this way : the longer the market stays in limbo, the faster rates will travel when the levee breaks and stored energy is released. That means if you are floating when stored energy is released, you are running the risk of losing your current quote." To see just how much costs moved today relative to recent offerings, take a look at the chart we normally post each Friday. It graphs the average origination closing...(read more)

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