Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Non-Bank Institutions Expand Mortgage Lending Operations; Who Implemented Comp Rules and Who Didn't?; Investor Bulletins

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Buffalo Springfield wrote, "There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear..." But there is one movement that appears to be clearer, and that is the increase in mortgage lending by non-bank institutions : Non-bankLendingIncrease . "Congressional Republicans are moving aggressively to wind down mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but they face resistance not only from Democrats, but members of their own party who fear rapid elimination of the two entities would destabilize the fragile housing market ." And many in the business would agree. Read more at the Washington Examiner: F&FtoStickAround? And when you had a 25% market share last year of the mortgage market, the opinions that Wells' CEO has on mortgages matters somewhat: StumpfOpines Yes, the US Court of Appeals...(read more)

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Source: www.mortgagenewsdaily.com

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