Friday, January 11, 2013

Should Credit Be Affected By A Short Sale?

Should your credit be affected by a short sale?  Currently it is although from most of our past clients we speak to it hasn't been too tremendous of a hit.  We are hearing of score drops that range from about 0-120 points or so, with the average being around 80-100.  Then there is a tradeline on your report usually stating "settled for less" or "paid in full, less than full balance"

You will need to speak to a credit professional to find out exactly how it may affect you but from our experience most of our clients have been happy taking a bit of a credit hit in exchange for $100,000+ release in debt.

Plus with the added bonus of being able to purchase a home in 2 years at regular interest rates it has been a great way to release you from all the liability and put you in a new home in 24 months!

Call us today to learn more about short selling your home - 480-241-4406 or visit us at!


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