Saturday, February 2, 2013

2012 Origination Volume - Wow! IRS on Loan Modifications; Pulte Earnings

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

The free markets are a wonderful thing. Where else could we find a banana slicer ? Page down a couple times for the comments - just as good as any comedy writer could come up with. The IRS has ventured forth to answer tax-related questions about modifications: " IRS Provides Guidance on Mortgage Modifications ." Here you go . (Hey - who says I only read People Magazine?) Making a case for the terrible times in mortgage lending is becoming harder every day. (And look - we have a new kind of subprime loan.) Not only are margins at record levels, and loan officers making more now than prior to LO comp changes, but we learn that mortgage origination volume for 2012 was up 34% versus 2011! Lender Processing Services reports that at 8.6 million units, we experienced the best year since 2007 (9.1...(read more)

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