Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fannie Mae's Mortgage Portfolio Down 10.6% in 2012

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Fannie Mae said on Thursday that its Book of Business declined at a compound annual rate of 4.8 percent in December to a value of $3.19 trillion compared to $3.20 trillion in November. The Book grew 0.2 percent during 2012 from $3.18 trillion at the end of 2011. The company's mortgage portfolio had a year-end balance of $633.05 billion. This was composed of $371.71 billion in mortgage loans, $12.32 billion in Non-Fannie Mae Agency securities, and $65.06 billion in Non-Fannie Mae Non-Agency securities for a total of $633.05 billion. The mortgage portfolio decreased from November to December at an annualized rate of 1.0 percent. This reflected purchases of $30.66 billion against sales of $19.07 billion, and liquidations of $11.05 billion. For the entire year Fannie Mae posted purchases of $288...(read more)

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