Friday, July 24, 2015

Good News but Old Story, Foreclosures Down Again

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

While it is certainly good news we wish we could find a new and more interesting way to say it. Nonetheless, foreclosure activity has declined again , this time as reflected in June "first look" data from Black Knight Financial Services. The U.S. delinquency rate in June was 4.82 percent, a 2.90 percent drop from May and 15.3 percent from a year earlier. The number of properties that were 30 or more days past due, but not in foreclosure at the end of June was 2,444,000, 69,000 fewer than in May and down 439,000 from June 2014. Seriously delinquent mortgages - those 90 or more days past due but not in foreclosure, declined by 27,000 from the previous month to 895,000. In June 2014 the number was approximately 1.16 million. Mortgages in the process of foreclosure, the pre-sale inventory, numbered...(read more)

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