Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mortgage Rates Steady to Slightly Lower

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates are doing a great job of holding their ground after two days of solid improvement. If we look closely enough, today's rate sheets also improved, but by such a small amount that it's just as fair to say rates where 'steady.' As such most lenders continue to quote conventional 30yr fixed rates of 4.125% on top tier scenarios. Some of the more aggressive lenders made it back down to 4.0% over the past 2 days. In the bigger picture, rates bespeak a certain level of indecision in the global marketplace. Between events in Europe, domestic economic data, and comments from Fed officials, there's more of a balance between positive and negative influences on rates. In fact, even at our worst , we haven't gone any higher than early June levels. Conversely, we still haven't broken meaningfully...(read more)

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