Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Foreclosures Increase; Delinquency Measures Continue to Fall

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Black Knight Financial Service's monthly "first look" at October month-end mortgage performance standards continues to show a steady decline almost all measures of mortgage distress. The company releases summary data from its loan-level database in advance of a more comprehensive analysis in its Mortgage Monitor published early the following month. There were 2.415 million homes on which the mortgage was 30 or more days overdue in October but which were not yet in foreclosure, a national delinquency rate of 4.77 percent. The number of delinquent mortgages fell by 42,000 between September and October, -1.93 percent, and are down 316,000 units from October 2014 a -11.91 percent change. Of those delinquent properties, 820,000 had mortgages that were seriously overdue - 90 days or more - but were...(read more)

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Source: http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/11242015_black_knight_first_look.asp

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