Saturday, November 14, 2015

MBS Day Ahead: Detailed Prediction on Future Rate Movements For The Next 3 Months

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Because that's what you want right? I actually do have a very high probability prediction regarding rates over the next three months. If you can find a few of the very best, most convincing 'forecasts' of future rate movement, here are the steps to follow so that you can get the most benefit from them. 1. Find someone who still uses printed paper and who has a printer. (Maybe this is you!) 2. Have that person print out these predictions for you 3. Place predictions in a crudely-assembled homemade fire-pit. Feel free to use an existing fire pit, if you have one. 4. Light the predictions on fire 5. Enjoy the warm glow. Used in this way, these rate forecasts are guaranteed to be of the highest and best use to you. 9 times out of 10, that small amount of heat and vaguely comforting...(read more)

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