Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Can't make your mortgage payments?

If you can't make your monthly mortgage payments, you have some decisions to make. You can do nothing and wait for your lender to foreclose on your home having a negative effect on your credit for the next 7 years. Or you can take steps to sell your Arizona home in a short sale leaving only a small effect on your credit for 2 years. If you have questions how to begin the steps of a short sale contact our specialists at AZ Home Help

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Can't make your mortgage payments?

If you can't make your monthly mortgage payments, you have some decisions to make. You can do nothing and wait for your lender to foreclose on your home having a negative effect on your credit for the next 7 years. Or you can take steps to sell your Arizona home in a short sale leaving only a small effect on your credit for 2 years. If you have questions how to begin the steps of a short sale contact our specialists at AZ Home Help

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Fannie/Freddie Changes; Positive Millennial Trends for Lenders; Chase Settlement

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

The Wall Street Journal reports banks are beefing up cybersecurity defenses by taking actions that include banning employees from using USB drives, not allowing employees to use work emails for personal use, warning employees not to post out-of-office replies on email, to be careful what they post on social media, and not to click on links in questionable emails from unknown sources. And a survey by The Economist on cyber incident readiness by businesses finds the top things executives think would assist their company to be better prepared for a cyber incident are: better understanding the potential threats, raising awareness of existing preparations across the company, and testing existing preparations for an incident. In response to lender feedback, Fannie Mae will implement expanded whole...(read more)

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mortgage Rates Sideways to Slightly Higher

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates were essentially unchanged for many lenders today and just barely higher for others. There were no major sources of inspiration as underlying financial markets are still getting back in the swing of things after the holiday season. One of the lingering effects was a wider range of quotes between lenders. Some tend to price rate sheets more conservatively (i.e." higher") over the holidays while it's business as usual for others. That means we had more than a few lenders quoting conventional 30yr fixed rates of 4.0% while a few of the less aggressive lenders were still up at 4.25%. That range is about twice as big as normal, but it's narrowed over the past two days with the higher end moving down to 4.125%. The next three days bring the weeks most significant economic data. The...(read more)

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Rate Hike no Concern for Freddie's Chief Economist

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Freddie Mac is dismissing concerns of some analysts that the change in the Federal Reserve's monetary policy may bode ill for the housing industry. The company's vice president and chief economist Sean Becketti welcomed the New Year with an upbeat rebuttal of those concerns on Freddie Mac's Executive Perspectives blog. Becketti said that he does not share the worries about the December hike in the fed funds interest rates boosting mortgage rates, reducing home affordability, or reversing the recent improvements in housing numbers. He cites several reasons for his view. The Federal Reserve is aware that the economic recovery remains fragile and has committed to a policy of gradual monetary tightening. They should be taken at their word, Becketti says, and we should expect only a few modest increases...(read more)

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Mortgage Rates Lowest in 2 Weeks

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates moved lower today as financial markets roared back to life after the winter break. In this age of ever-increasing automation and digital connectivity, it would be easy to assume that financial markets continue to hum along in the background even as the rest of the world takes some time off during the holidays. The truth is that financial markets are greatly affected by the Christmas/New Years holiday season and that's readily apparent in today's mortgage rates. Mortgage rates are primarily a function of mortgage-backed-securities (MBS) prices. Most days, there is a stable connection between the two (in that a certain amount of movement in MBS tends to correspond with a certain amount of movement in mortgage rates). If we were to solely base our assumptions on that relationship...(read more)

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Upcoming Events/Training; Investor Disaster News; MBS Trends

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Rob, I can't help but notice the enormous TRID frustration among so many of your readers. While we/MBA were successful in getting the letter from the Bureau this past week allowing for TRID errors to be corrected, it would be much more helpful if every frustrated lender got everyone they knew to sign up for the Mortgage Action Alliance MAA . It's the one way we can get more voices engaged when bad things are happening to our industry. It's free, and you don't even have to be an MBA member. But with legislation proposed on the hill that would add governance to the CFPB, or even our transitional licensing legislation which may have a real shot - rather than just complain to you after the fact, they could all help while the sausage is being made by lending their voice. Spread the word and we...(read more)

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

TRID Kickback Reasons; December's Wave of CFPB News Including TRID Fear Reassurance

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Death is rarely funny, and the aftermath can be even worse. But here's an interesting twist on things. Even in our digital world where e-mortgages should be in the not-too-distant future, paper is still king when it comes to life and death - that is, birth certificates and death certificates. "Some states, including South Carolina and California, use a certain security enabled paper to print those records. And that paper is suddenly in short supply. The Ohio company that produced it for years unexpectedly shut down last summer." Tell some family they will have to wait for a death certificate ... Regarding the Seattle Times and BuzzFeed articles by Mike Baker and Daniel Wagner about Warren Buffett and Clayton Homes , I received this note from Audrey Saunders in Clayton's Corporate PR & Communications...(read more)

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Pending Home Sales Continue to Slow; Prices, Inventory Faulted

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Pending home sales dipped slightly in November, the third time in four months they have done so. The National Association of Realtors® (NAR's) Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI) was down 0.9 percent from October to 106.9. The November 2015 PHSI, which is based on contracts signed during the month to purchase homes, was 2.7 percent above the November 2014 level of 104.1. Although the index has increased on an annual basis for 15 consecutive months, November's 12 month gain was the smallest since October 2014 when the increase was 2.6 percent. Modest gains in the Midwest and South were offset by larger declines in the Northeast and West. NAR revised its October PHSI upward from its original estimate of 107.7 to 107.9. October was already the only month in the last four in which the index had...(read more)

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Improving Mortgage Performance equals Best MiMi in 15 Months

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

The Multi-Indicator Market Index (MiMi) produced by Freddie Mac's Office of the Chief Economist shows that the U.S. housing market is within the outer range of being considered stable. The national value of the index improved by 0.59 percent from September to October and has gained 1.54 percent over the last three months. The MiMi in October stood at 81.9. On a year-over-year basis, the national MiMi value has improved +6.31 percent. Since its all-time low in October 2010, it has rebounded by 38 percent, but remains significantly off its high of 121.7. Two additional states-New York and Kansas-entered their outer range of stable housing activity, as did three more metro areas: New York, New York; Minneapolis, Minnesota and Palm Bay, Florida. Freddie Mac Deputy Chief Economist Len Kiefer said...(read more)

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Friday, January 1, 2016

Bank M&A; Pending Home Sales Primer; Lender Form Changes - Who Can Keep Track?

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Given my Resolutions from a year ago, and looking back at 2015, I've got today to get skinny, save money, learn French, and undrink 987 bottles of wine. On a more serious note, plenty of people in the mortgage business are doing things towards lessening poverty and helping children. The U.S. Census Bureau has released findings from its Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates program which determines the number of people in poverty, the number of children younger than 5 in poverty, the number of children between 5 and 17 in families in poverty, and median household income. According to 2014 data, the median household income at the county level was between $21,658 and $125,635, with a median county level value of $45,229. Among the 3,140 counties that were assessed, 26 percent (820 counties)...(read more)

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Mortgage Rates Nearly Unchanged in 2015

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates had an interesting year to say the least. After almost universal consensus on a move toward higher rates the first few months of the year instead saw a precipitous drop to long-term lows. Chalk that up to the inception of Europe's bond buying program (and most of 2014's improvements for that matter). Later in the year, rates saw bigger moves higher and lower as expectations ebbed and flowed regarding the Fed rate hike. Rates like those pertaining to mortgages and longer-term US Treasuries can move more nimbly based on those expectations. The higher the likelihood of a Fed hike, the higher mortgage rates moved in anticipation. That phenomenon ultimately allowed mortgage rates to hold their ground at relatively unchanged levels after the Fed finally pulled the trigger. On average...(read more)

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