Friday, January 1, 2016

Mortgage Rates Nearly Unchanged in 2015

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates had an interesting year to say the least. After almost universal consensus on a move toward higher rates the first few months of the year instead saw a precipitous drop to long-term lows. Chalk that up to the inception of Europe's bond buying program (and most of 2014's improvements for that matter). Later in the year, rates saw bigger moves higher and lower as expectations ebbed and flowed regarding the Fed rate hike. Rates like those pertaining to mortgages and longer-term US Treasuries can move more nimbly based on those expectations. The higher the likelihood of a Fed hike, the higher mortgage rates moved in anticipation. That phenomenon ultimately allowed mortgage rates to hold their ground at relatively unchanged levels after the Fed finally pulled the trigger. On average...(read more)

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