Monday, November 26, 2012

CFPB Exam Findings; Thoughts on the CFPB and Dodd Frank Determining Underwriting; Will PMI Emerge from Bankruptcy?

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Even if you had to have the borrower come back to resign a document, or you had to eat a one day extension, or locked a loan under the wrong program, it isn't as bad as this . I am often asked, "Have you seen any CFPB exam results ? Have any fines been leveled? Are the mortgage companies that have been audited, such as Stearns or Guild, under some type of secrecy order?" Well, just like the results of your IRS audit, or an FDIC exam of a bank, to the best of my knowledge the results are not made public, but here is information that will help regarding CFPB findings and fines . I received this opinion note regarding the CFPB from an originator in the Rocky Mountain States. "I have been following the CFPB with a fair amount of attention as I am very concerned about the continuing CFPB actions...(read more)

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