Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Raj Date and DeMarco Chatter; Slice and Dice the Latest Redwood Jumbo Deal

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

I am not a huge shopper, but merchants and the press have latched on to next Friday, dubbed Black Friday , at the expense of remembering what Thanksgiving is all about. That being said, the first myth is that Black Friday is the day when retailers finally turn a profit on a year to date basis. While this myth does have some grounding in fact, most retailers historically make money throughout the year . Target and Walmart, two of the Nation's largest retailers, are already well into the "black" of positive earnings. Other retailers like Sears and the Gap will need more than Black Friday to turn them positive for the year. Another myth is that Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. Here to, while traffic is at near records, Black Friday usually doesn't produce the most sales. The...(read more)

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