Sunday, November 4, 2012

Do Mortgage Brokers Add Value?; National Mortgage Database; Sandy and Warehouse Banks

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Spring ahead, fall back!" Sunday morning, folks in most states will receive an extra hour of snooze time! What's the difference between a hurricane and a "superstorm?" Well, Sandy was a hurricane that turned into a superstorm when it, laden with energy and moisture from the tropical Atlantic, combined with a winter storm fueled by the southward plunge of Arctic air. Although late-season hurricanes sometimes undergo a similar "extra-tropical transition" as they travel up from the tropics, this normally happens safely out to sea over the Atlantic. Sandy's path is extremely unusual because a static area of high pressure south of Greenland has blocked the jet stream route northeastward across the ocean and instead forced the hurricane into the continental US. But now, supposedly, insurance companies...(read more)

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