Friday, April 5, 2013

MBS RECAP: Rally Mode Engage! MBS Outperform!

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary The bad employment numbers keep on coming and the good times keep on rolling for bond markets. Specifically, MBS tightened vs Treasuries in a BIG way today, meaning that mortgages made up a good chunk of the massive amount of ground lost so far in 2013. The spread between MBS "current coupon" (an interpolation of theoretical average YIELD from several active coupons) began the year in the mid 0.45 range and had risen to the high .7's by late March. Today they dropped from .75 to .68 peak to trough and are headed out the door at a still impressive .71. Several factors play into today's outperformance, not the least of which being the weeks and months of incessant underperformance so far in 2013, and a move back to annual low yields in Treasuries. Combine...(read more)

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