Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Day Ahead: Is the Bond Market Waiting for Retail Sales?

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Thursday was an enjoyable day for bond market bulls as both Treasuries and MBS managed to open in positive territory and hold those gains without the same sorts of mid-day meltdowns seen in the previous three sessions. This then, is probably the beginning of a sideways consolidations we'd been hoping for following the NFP rally (and subsequent bounce). But whereas the best case scenario ceiling for 10yr yields would naturally be the long term pivot points around 1.83%, a big data surprise this morning could adjust that upward. One thing Thursday's session did tell us is that Bond markets aren't overly eager to jump back on the rally wagon. Take a look at 10yr yields 2 days of upwardly biased consolidation. If you noticed that the preceding chart, in fact, contained more than the advertised...(read more)

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