Monday, April 15, 2013

What Wells and Chase Results Indicate to Mortgage Bankers; Fined for Renegotiating a Rate Lock?

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Daddy, how many people live in the world?" "I don't know - go ask your Mother. Why do you ask me questions like that, for Chrissakes - you're 28 years old?!" Well, now you can refer the "little" nipper to this Census site that constantly updated population figures . A small percentage of the nation's population works in helping others obtain financing, and work for companies that are expanding. I have been asked to help a well-capitalized, mid-size mortgage company with extensive industry experience is aggressively seeking a Corporate Controller in its Originations and Capital Markets Division. Ideally it will be a senior leader with 10-15 years of experience in finance & accounting, responsible for providing a wide variety of transaction and accounting expertise to support the company...(read more)

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