Saturday, June 13, 2015

MBS RECAP: US Rates Not Interested Without Europe; Widespread Negative Reprices

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Due to the timing of today's weakness and the necessity of a few alerts on MBS Live , the mid-day commentary was out later than normal. By the time I wrote it, enough of the day's events had transpired for us to get a sense of what was going on, so there's not much left to discuss. If you didn't catch it, here it is . One thing we could add to that discussion would be to point out when European markets closed, so we can more easily observe the shift in momentum . Next week brings the big FOMC Announcement (with press conference and forecasts). Between that and whatever European can muster, we should have enough info to know if recent highs will hold. The Fed isn't expected to hike rates at this meeting, but it will be Yellen's last press conference before the meeting...(read more)

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