Tuesday, June 2, 2015

TRID training; Supreme Court Decides 2nd Mortgage Case; Title and MI Updates

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Some in the industry are focused on Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf's recent comments saying that cybersecurity and an evolving payments industry are the two biggest risks to banks. "It's not if but when," right? Mortgage Returns is preparing to launch a new, mobile ready, CRM platform, and as part of the kickoff is inviting attendees of the Mastermind Summit to join management at the Ghostbar located at The Palms, Las Vegas today from 8-10PM. Those wishing to attend must RSVP to Mortgage Returns' Director of Marketing Kim Goldstone . Yes, in August we'll find out who is still closing loans and providing customer support and who isn't. "REMN Wholesale's management has brought in a heavy hitter to lead their next TRID educational webinar this Thursday . Benjamin Olson, former deputy assistant director...(read more)

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Source: http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/channels/pipelinepress/06022015-trid-training.aspx

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