Friday, June 12, 2015

Mortgage Rates Surge Lower From 8 Month Highs

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates were at their highest levels since early October as of yesterday afternoon, and in general, have been in the throes of the most aggressive move higher since the 2013 taper tantrum. Much of the motivation has come from European markets. There is a domino effect, of sorts, leading from extremely large moves in Europe that ends up visibly affecting mortgage rates in the US. As such, it's no surprise to see that benchmark interest rates in Europe were at their long-term highs yesterday as well. It's also no surprise that when the pendulum swung the other way in Europe this morning, US interest rates were able to come along for the ride. As is always the case when Europe is leading a market movement, US rates get a lesser version of the improvements. Fortunately, today was so big...(read more)

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