Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fannie Mae Survey Points to Credit Easing

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Fannie Mae said Thursday there are indications that easing lending standards may help mitigate some of the loss of housing affordability moving into the New Year. The company questioned a sample of lenders about trends in underwriting as part of its fourth quarter Mortgage Lender Sentiment Survey . The survey, conducted last month shows that more lenders reported they expected to ease rather than tighten credit standards for GSE-eligible and government loans over the next three months. Sixteen percent expect to loosen standards for GSE loans compared to 11 percent in the third quarter while only 2 percent expect standards to tighten. Expectations for easing of government guaranteed loans rose from 8 percent to 12 percent. The percentage of lenders who reported that standards had actually eased...(read more)

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