Thursday, December 3, 2015

Unique Risk Factors for Non-traditional Mortgages

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

When it comes to mortgage risk there is a lot of good news. Sam Khater, CoreLogic's Deputy Chief Economist says in the current issue of the company's MarketPulse that underwriting remains tight compared to the early 2000s and serious delinquencies among recent originations are at a 20 year low. Risk factors such as negative equity and home prices are moving in the appropriate directions and risk as reflected in foreclosure starts and distressed sales have decreased. Cash sales remain elevated, lowering overall leverage and the economy continues to improve and the labor market to tighten. That said, Khater warns that there are some worrisome signs - red flags for risk. The percentage of what he calls " scratch and dent " loans - loans previously more than 60 days delinquent but since cured,...(read more)

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