Wednesday, December 2, 2015

MBS RECAP: Suddenly, Bonds Are Back in The Game

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Granted, it would be a long shot, and it would require the rest of the week's data playing along, but bond markets are suddenly considering that the rest of 2015 doesn't necessarily have to be doom and gloom. Reason being: doom and gloom for the long term economic outlook is a happy thing for fixed income. Of course there's already quite a bit of long term doom and gloom baked into trading levels when the Fed is set to hike rates in a few weeks and only the shorter term yields seem to be responding. Part of that is due to longer term yields already 'pricing in' the hike, but the bigger reason is that market participants just aren't seeing this hike as being made possible by a new age of economic prosperity-- not by a long shot . Today's Manufacturing PMI coming in...(read more)

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