Friday, December 17, 2010

Bargain Buyers Grab Cheap MBS. Short Squeeze Leads TSYs. Reprices Reported

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

The Live Chat on our MBSonMND dashboard is blowing up as reprices continue to come across from lenders. AQ is in the process of updating our loan pricing model so we should soon be able to offer you a fair gauge of the latest best execution 30 yr fixed quote. But for now, we can at least tell you that MBS and treasuries have broken their intraday resistance levels after earlier stability prompted fast$ bond "vigilantes" to cover their short positions which led to snowball buying. Although the TSY rally largely reflects a short squeeze in the long end of the yield curve, we are seeing real$ buyers doing some duration grabs in "rate sheet influential" MBS coupons. This is a good sign as it implies, although the bid in TSYs does not reflect outright optimism, MBS investors are scratching the bargain...(read more)

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