Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bond Market Fails to Hold NFP Rally. Lack of Liquidity Contributes to Weakness

Posted To: MBS Commentary

I'm here to offer some perspective amidst what might seem like crisis. The crisis? Weak NFP numbers sparked massive bond rally that unwound into the close (worse in treasuries than mortgages). So is that it? Bond markets have ostensibly failed to fight back at the gates of a 3% 10yr note? Does that mean we're toast? Never to see recent mortgage rates again? Look... Sell-offs are always discouraging when you have our kind of skin in the game. I spent a long time originating full time and writing about markets part time (other way around now), and it never ceased to amaze me how much of my own mood was tied directly to MBS movements. I wish someone had popped a tranquilizer dart in my neck (wouldn't have slept, but might have calmed me down) and said something similar to what I say to you now...(read more)

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