Saturday, May 4, 2013

GSEs Analyze Stand-Alone Value of Multi-family Businesses

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Each of the government sponsored enterprises ( GSEs ) has released a report analyzing the viability of their multifamily operations under a scenario divorcing them from the parent company and stripping away the existing government guarantee. The reports were requested by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) as part of its goal to contract the overall market footprint of the GSEs and generate potential value for taxpayers. FHFA said that the multifamily businesses of the two GSEs are fundamentally different from their single-family businesses. The loans are larger, collateralized by income producing properties of five or more units, and are a much smaller component of the total mortgage market. Moreover most of the two entities' multi-family loans involve some type of risk sharing with...(read more)

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