Monday, May 20, 2013

Mortgage Rates Near 2013 Highs to Start Week

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

Mortgage rates continued May's nearly constant trend higher to begin the week, though the pace of increases is slower compared to that seen on Friday. Even so, it brings rates dangerously close to their highest levels of 2013 (which are also the highest levels in 1 year). Best-execution for Conventional, 30yr Fixed Loans is in transit between 3.625% and 3.75%. Best-ex is also more subjective from borrower's points of view at the moment due to the fact that the most efficient rate on most rate sheets is 3.625% yet it might leave some borrowers bringing more to the table in terms of closing costs than they'd otherwise like. In other words, we're now getting into rate territory where 3.625% won't necessarily be a "no point" quote for the best qualified borrowers (but as always, this can vary greatly...(read more)

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