Saturday, May 25, 2013

Primer on Current Broker Compensation Plans - BPC & LPC; Reader Input on Different Topics

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

The mortgage industry is filled with smart business people who just want to know "the rules of the game" rather than the uncertainty that seems to exist in many areas. For example, CG from Wisconsin writes, "I own a small mortgage brokerage that, for a plethora of obvious reasons, is attempting to make the conversion over to become a mortgage banker. I'm doing my best to follow the ever changing LO comp rules as they seem to change on a daily basis; and I know that I will need to somewhat revamp my compensation plan for this new origination structure. It is pretty apparent that I will be forced to compensate my loan officers on a 'vanilla' basis point compensation plan (ensuring that their compensation is not commensurate to the terms of the loan in any shape of fashion). So here is an idea...(read more)

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