Thursday, May 23, 2013

MBS RECAP: Attempting To Consolidate After Wednesday's Sell-Off

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MBS Live : MBS Afternoon Market Summary Treasuries had a bit of an easier time today than MBS, the latter feeling the effects of a shift in duration preference that has been historically unkind to Fannie 3.0 30yr Fixed MBS. So far in 2013, when 10yr yields have approached 2.0%, The lower end of the production MBS coupon range feels the biggest pinch. This has to do with the negative convexity inherent to MBS markets. In short, if the broad swath of interest rates in the financial world are at a certain level and moving higher, there is a certain point on the spectrum of liquid MBS coupons where liquidity begins to dry up and prices tend to fall much faster than higher coupons because investors don't want to be stuck earning interest at a lower rate in a rising rate environment. That's a bit...(read more)

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