Saturday, September 26, 2015

CFPB Fines, Final Rules, Readiness Guide, Defining Rural Lenders, Updated Exam Procedures

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Rob, do you think that the CFPB is involved in monitoring price gouging by companies of any sort? For example, I read about a drug company that dramatically raised a drug price recently -isn't that more egregious than a loan officer taking a real estate agent to a baseball game?" I believe that the company recanted its price increase, but yes, you have a point. And wouldn't it be great if some group improved the health care billing/insurance dance that we all seem to endure? By the way, sorry for the length of the commentary today - but there is so much CFPB news... The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), after an investigation that begin in early 2014, announced a joint action against Hudson City Savings Bank for discriminatory redlining practices...(read more)

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