Friday, September 11, 2015

TRID Resource Materials are Available from MBA

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

The Mortgage Bankers Association has rolled out a series of flyers and a PowerPoint presentation as resources ahead of the impending implementation of the new Know Before You Owe TILA RESPA Integrated Disclosure rules. (TRID). The materials, downloadable and set up for insertion of lender branding information, are designed to enable lenders to educate themselves, consumers, and real estate professionals about the new rules and their attendant disclosure forms. MBA said the new regulations will change the way that real estate transactions are processed and closed. It is the intent of the new resource materials, which MBA said it worked closely with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to produce, to educate consumers, industry partners and service providers, and to speed the process...(read more)

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