Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lender TRID Updates; Lender's FHA & VA Changes; FOMC Statement

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term." Is that statement by the Fed a surprise to anyone? Hardly - but it was focused on by many yesterday when the FOMC let things ride. What also isn't a surprise is that lots of small companies are trying to hang on to their servicing. Some are getting by, others not. Either way it is good to know the accounting angles involved in mortgage servicing rights and Richey May just came out with a White Paper on the topic . Yes, TRID spelled backwards is DIRT , and the industry is covered in it. Lenders One conducted a survey at the Lenders One Summer Conference in August and found that sixty percent of mortgage banker members expect...(read more)

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