Wednesday, September 9, 2015

TRID Webinars and Developments; Unmistakable Trends in Capital Markets

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

Yes, this commentary posts job and product announcements, and there are some today. But here's a tip, job-seekers: be careful about what you send to HR . Speaking of being careful, I received this note: "I really look forward to self-driving cars. As a Boston driver I know I can play chicken with them and I'll win 100% of the time." On September 15, ATS Secured is hosting a webinar, "Realtors and New Regulations: Ensure a Timely Closing," presented by Charles Cain, EVP-Agency at WFG National Title Insurance. This webinar will highlight how new regulations will affect the role of the real estate agent in a closing. Mortgage lenders, compliance professionals, settlement agents and especially real estate agents will benefit from this event. Sign-up for a free ATS Secured account to view this webinar...(read more)

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