Wednesday, October 14, 2015

CoreLogic Points to Dichotomy in Foreclosure Numbers

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Foreclosure indicators are continuing at levels well above those considered normal by the housing industry, and that CoreLogic said in its August Foreclosure Report can increasingly be accounted for by loan vintage. CoreLogic said today that there were 36,000 completed foreclosures in August, down 20.1 percent from the 46,000 that were completed in August 2014. Foreclosures are now running at a rate 68.9 percent below the peak number in September 2010 when 117,457 homes were foreclosed in a single month. The August foreclosure rate (percentage of completed foreclosures to mortgaged homes) was 1.2 percent, the same as in early 2008. August foreclosures were higher by less than a rounding error from the 36,000 reported in July. CoreLogic says that before the decline in the housing market there...(read more)

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