Monday, October 19, 2015

Mortgage Rates Quietly Holding Near Lows

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

It wouldn't have taken much for mortgage rates to outdo themselves in terms of volatility when compared to the past few business days. Last Thursday and Friday were particularly uneventful. Yet somehow, today managed to be even more so . Mortgage rates may be higher or lower than the previous day right at the outset or they may move higher or lower in the middle of the day if the underlying bond market moves enough in either direction. Today, the opening levels were just where they needed to be to ensure no change. While bond markets did move a bit, we never saw anything quite strong or weak enough to result in lenders changing rate sheets. Most lenders continue to quote conventional 30yr fixed rates in the 3.75% to 3.875% range. Any changes from yesterday would be seen in the form of microscopic...(read more)

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