Monday, October 5, 2015

Upcoming Events and Training; TRID Implementation Facts and Rumors

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Well I know a pretty little place in Southern California, down San Diego way. There's a little café, where they play guitars all night long babe, you can hear them in the back room strumming..." With another national MBA conference coming up in two weeks (with its inevitable social events) mortgage bankers are reminded that life is just "a constant battle between wanting a six pack and wanting a six pack." But in something totally non-mortgage related this headline grabbed my attention: " Researchers Make Artificial Cells That Can Replicate Themselves ." What could possibly go wrong? Didn't any of those guys watch "Jurassic Park"? Our own government's FHA is offering up free online upcoming trainings are available for registration: Webinar 11.1 HUD Loss Mitigation - Home Retention Options...(read more)

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