Friday, October 19, 2012

After Moving Higher All Week, Mortgage Rates Finally Hold Their Ground

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Posted To: Mortgage Rate Watch

After moving higher every day this week mortgage rates finally held their ground today. Despite moderately lower Treasury yields and healthy improvements in the mortgage-backed-securities market, the actual rates that made their way onto lenders' rate sheets represented more of a "ground-holding" than a triumphant "bounce back" to previously lower levels. This can often be the case in the wake of several days of weakness and some lenders tend to be more conservative with rate movements on Fridays. The net effect is a Conventional 30yr Fixed Best-Execution rate that is now shying away from a move higher to 3.5% and sticking around at 3.375% despite threatening to move higher yesterday. The minor improvement today is nice in the short term, and the outright levels are also excellent in the overall...(read more)

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1 comment:

  1. Search by geographical area. If you are only licensed to work with those who are buying in a particular state, make sure that all the leads you gather are making their home purchase in the state in which you operate. This is particularly true for companies who offer interest rates that may rise above the maximum allowable by law in certain areas. Not only will this help with the legal ramifications of lending, it will also help you organize your agents' coverage by territory.

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