Sunday, October 28, 2012

Warren Buffett up to his Shins in Betting on a Housing-related Recovery; Zillow Lists Foreclosures

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

Here's a rare editorial comment from me if folks care to read it. I found the MBA's conference earlier this week to be well attended, informative, and upbeat. It reinforces what I have believed for much of my career: that the high percentages of people in this biz are honest, hard-working, and actually care about doing a good job . Sure the percentage ebbs and flows, but most who don't or aren't have left the industry. And sure the money is very good for individuals and companies right now - that won't last, at least not for everyone. But the people I came in contact with at this week's conference, either meeting for the first time or folks I have known since the mid-1980's, were optimistic, well informed, and happy to be there. Sometimes conferences are not much fun functioning on a severe...(read more)

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