Saturday, October 27, 2012

Escape From Pottersville: A New Beginning in the Mortgage Industry

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Contributing to MND the past 4 years, I have been content to represent my image as a bewildered George Bayley, wondering what happened to his beloved Bedford Falls when he stumbles across the "Pottersville" sign after wishing he'd never been born. I have lived a modern day version of George Bayley's alternate reality in Pottersville going on 5 years now. I have had many moments when I wished I'd never gotten into this business , and have come very close to jumping off that bridge to join the river of people who decide it isn't worth it. But there are voices crying out already drowning in the water, and they distract me from my self pity . The voices are those of home owners swimming in a sea of debt compared to the value of their homes. And these are not the speculative investors who took out...(read more)

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