Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vacancy Rates and Homeownership both Down in Census Survey

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

Vacancy rates in the third quarter declined from one year earlier for both homeowner properties and those held as rentals according to the U.S. Census Bureau, but rates were little changed from the second quarter of this year. The Bureau said that homeownership rates also declined on a year over year basis. The Census Bureau reported that there were 132.8 million housing units in the U.S. in the third quarter, 114.70 million of which were occupied or 86.3 percent. Of the occupied units 75.1 million were owner occupied (56.3 percent) and 29.6 million or 29.8 percent were renter occupied. Of the 18.15 million vacant housing units, 13.59 million were classified as year round properties (10.3 percent of all units) and 4.56 million were seasonal. Of year-round properties, 3.81 million were for rent...(read more)

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