Saturday, December 15, 2012

Federal Home Loan Banks in Correspondent Lending; MBA Confirms Average Lenders are Making Big Bucks

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

Yesterday I journeyed to San Jose to visit with the Silicon Valley Chapter of CAMP. Casey Fleming, the president, reminded the capacity crowd how important it was to support your local organization. (Apparently this chapter has the most members of any of the California Association of Mortgage Professional chapters, and is very proud of that.) He also stated how important it is to be surrounded by your fellow mortgage professionals, which is very true. In my travels I have heard of a few tactics that help bring in new members to our trade organizations. One is to have a vendor give new members (and old?) a certain number of free credit reports, or flood certs, or "whatevers" instead of sponsoring a lunch, therefore absorbing a good chunk of the yearly fees. Another is to remind members about...(read more)

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