Monday, December 10, 2012

The Latest on MBA and LO Wage Lawsuit; FDIC Institutions Making Some Coin; Basic QC Manual

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Posted To: Pipeline Press

"Rob, I am on the board of directors of a bank. Is there a guide or manual that would help me understand what the QC gal is talking about during presentations?" Sexist comments aside, sure there is. But first, a message the industry needs to keep in mind. Counterparty risk is becoming more and more important. Opinions about "pointing fingers" and "Big Brother" aside, quality control is the name of the game at your shop, as well as others. If you have a big exposure to a company that doesn't have adequate safeguards in place, or a written, viable, comprehensive QC plan, you're putting your company at risk. Fannie's folks put out a decent guide last year that is still relevant and that probably makes sense for you to take a look at, and it can be found here . The mortgage banking industry lost...(read more)

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