Friday, December 7, 2012

Will 2013 Mortgage Profits be Like 2012?; State's Rights Prominent in Lending

Hot news from AZ Home Help:

Posted To: Pipeline Press

We've made it to December 7, Pearl Harbor Day, and for something totally unrelated to mortgages to end the work week send this clever short video to any aspiring art majors. (It even received a "Whoa!" from my hard-to-impress daughter.) Unfortunately for some of the folks at Denver's Allonhill , their work weeks are changing. Although management hired some back recently they are seeing another round of layoffs - 140 in this round versus 325 in May. More For some easy stats to remember, there are roughly 70 million homes in the U.S. and 50 million have a mortgage on them (average of roughly $200k). That puts the overall housing market at about $10 trillion . The amount of equity homeowners had in the 2 nd quarter climbed by $406 billion to $7.3 trillion, the highest level since 2007. (Thanks...(read more)

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