Thursday, December 13, 2012

TransUnion sees Further Declines in Mortgage Delinquency Rate

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Posted To: MND NewsWire

TransUnion , one of the nation's major credit reporting bureaus forecasted today that one of the primary consumer credit variables -- mortgage delinquency rates - will continue to decline through 2013 while the other - credit card delinquencies will increase slightly. The ratio of borrowers 60 or more days past due on their mortgages is projected to decline to 5.06 percent by the end of 2013 from an estimated 5.32 percent at the conclusion of 2012. TransUnion forecasts mortgage delinquencies, a statistic generally considered to be a precursor to foreclosure, will decline in 34 states and the District of Columbia with only 13 states experiencing increases. Mortgage delinquencies peaked in the fourth quarter of 2009 at 6.89 percent. This marked the 12 th consecutive quarter that rates rose, starting...(read more)

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