Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Day Ahead: Lowered Expectations for Econ Data and Auctions

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Posted To: MBS Commentary

Two to three years ago , today's lineup of economic data and market events would have been much more meaningful. International Trade at 8:30am would have stood a good chance to be the most meaningful market mover of the day and even Wholesale Inventories at 10am might have had a detectable impact on bond markets and MBS. Even as late as mid 2011, Treasury Auctions were--well--Treasury Auctions! In that bygone era, today's 3yr auction at 1pm would have been worth tuning in for, but in a world where Fed policy explicitly conveys the expectation for 'low rates through at least mid-2015,' and the global economic outlook hearkens stagnant, slow growth, short term Treasury auctions become more a matter of Housekeeping than detecting market preferences. This has been " the story " of any given day...(read more)

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Source: www.mortgagenewsdaily.com

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